In the anti-cancer life book, talks about how we have made Grazers out of Browsers, and wonder why the animal we poison are poisoning us. The lower the incidences of Meat eaters in a country the lower the incidence in that country of the "western" diseases of diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
Is it not time to take notice:
Here is a video worth watching.
'The Happy Meal ain't so happy' - new film reveals why beef is such bad news for the environment - NewsJoin MFM, Meat Free Monday, and start being conscious about your decisions one day a week!
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Recipes from them here: recipes
Other Links:
- Animal Vegetable Miracle Recipes
- Meat Free Monday background information
- Livestock’s Long Shadow – Environmental Issues and OptionsFood and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations Rome, 2006
- Slaughtering the AmazonGreenpeace International 01 June 2009
- Global warning: climate change and farm animal welfareCompassion in World Farming 2008
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Oxfam
- Greenpeace
- Compassion in World Farming
- World Cancer Research Fund
- The Vegetarian Society