Pondering: What frame of mind are you in to allow bad things to happen to you?
Many believe in karma. That good be-gets good. Surely that in itself is a limiting belief.
If you apply the law of attraction, and the the law of least effort then believing in good things should be enough.
The question perhaps is: Do you need to actively believe? By that I mean reinforce the belief by affirmation, meditation or some other method. Perhaps only if that is not a core belief within you, then you need to reaffirm it.
Since if there is a basic a belief in your core that is conflicting with you conscious belief, you need to drive the impeding core belief system out. Tell them the lease is up and they are on longer welcome in the house of your subconscious belief.
Your subconscious belief is built on a rocky foundation of badly formed incomplete gestalt and has not based in reality. If you identify that you core belief is not that good should always happen, then you need to make it so, by rewiring the faulty circuits and get them to always point to good.
Or is it something as simple as we know we are happy, since we know what sad is. Is good the same thing, we need bad to know what good is? I certainly hope not. One just has to be a little more conscious about things around you to realise that there are things out there happening that are not good, but you need to believe they do not affect you our those around you open enough to allow that.
From now one my mantra is only good things happen, to me and those around me, I welcome good things and energy, and give only give energy to that that is good for me.