We continue from the previous posts. So far we have found a domain name that is available for registering (onecoolname.co.za), and we have signed up at a DNS service provider (in this case it is ZoneEdit), and posted a registration form to the domain registrar.
Part 4: Setting Mail and Web Forwarding up
While waiting for the registration to be processed, or after it has been processed you can go back to ZoneEdit and then set up the domain to forward to your email and website.- Go into ZoneEdit.com, log in
- Then Click on Edit Zone
- Click on the zone you want to edit onecoolname.co.za
- You will see under Mail Forwards the mails are forwards to the email you used to register the domain, if you click on Mail Forwards you can then add individual email addresses, and forward them on to other people. In our example we will setup joecool@onecoolname.co.za to forward to our GMail address
- Click on Web Forward, add you www.onecoolname.co.za, to your sites.google.com/site/onecoolname, and click the check box under [Cloaked]
- You can then add a Title for the Page, meta keywords and descriptions. To know what is best to put here you will need to do some research what is working for similar sites.
- When you added it may ask you if you want www.onecoolname.co.za and onecoolname.co.za to be directed to the site, select yes
- Click on View and check the settings
Warning: Please tell the registrar where you purchased 'onecoolname.co.za' to change the
nameservers to nsX.zoneedit.com and nsY.zoneedit.com. Click for more info.
This normally means the process is not complete. I would suggest at this time that you also change you password to ZoneEdit, make it something long with numbers, and save it. To change click on User Options, then Under change password put the password they sent you and then add you own one
Once this is no longer the case you can start with Part 5