I was reading Newsweek (new week) magazine this week, and also found the article on-line -> http://www.newsweek.com/2010/08/14/will-boredom-and-the-costs-of-constant-connection.html
Is it not interesting that as humans we are the only animals that probably get bored, is this the ultimate evolution trait? I found this fascinating that this may be the case.
I suppose it may be because we no longer have to be alert 24x7 that we may become someone's dinner that gives us this ability.
Or perhaps this is why we are so inventive, is it not through boredom that we have evolved to have all sort of goodies, that we never would normally. In the article thy speak about how boredom is now a trait that can be identified in 30 minutes, i.e. it only takes a newer generation 30 minutes to become bored.
An alternative though is perhaps boredom is something that means that we are not active, perhaps we have got to the point where if we are not doing then we are bored.
Are we losing the ability to relax? Rather than saying we are getting bored quicker, should we rather not say we are requiring stimulus to often, and have a driving need to be doing rather than relaxing?