To me, and I am sure many others the printing press did more than replicate words on paper. Today we are able to find books on every topic under sun, and some that have not even been dreamed of.
JC's book spoke about objects that have soul. Well what about books. If we look at purely scientifically essentially the act of writing is kinetic and the letters on the paper are potential energy. When the book is read this produces kinetic energy?
To me a book thorough this process has a soul. When you open it the soul of the book is created for you, or has it already been created during the process of writing and then reborn when you open the book? The life of the book is then determined by how long you read it, and how much of an affect it has on you.
If you permanently remember the characters, plot and story line, then is that soul? Or just a memory
All this pondering is now complete, does it have soul? J