Today I heard that another 24 hours news station is going to be opening. What is this obsession we have with other people’s news? Are news channels the ultimate gossip chain, no longer do we have to rely on the grape vine of disrupted fact, now we have people who can report form the scene. But what has happened to the real news, the news that is of significance for more than a day to two or at best a week. When was the last time you saw an item on the news that was taking the world forward. Solving a real problem, preventing multiple deaths of fauna, floral or people (I think we are fauna). Take global warming, the green movement or save the planet for example, who is doing anything besides producing documentaries and movies. When was the last time you heard about even a celeb installing solar power for their house, or how a real person actually did something to save the world on a news channel? And when was the last time anyone took action because of news? The biggest effect this news...
Just some opinions and things I have committed to virtual prosperity just in case UGAF