When I first wrote my early Access system I used a function I setup in Outlook and then I called that. On upgrading I had a few problems with the older method then I found some help on the MSDN website here... and the related video.
The first thing to do before starting the code is go into access, access the VBA (press Ctl+G) then click on "Tools" The "References" and then make sure you scroll down to "Microsoft Outlook ..." the version there will be determined by what version you have installed. This the code that I ended up with after looking at the site above
Private olApp As Outlook.Application
Private olNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
' The basics of this from MSDN site
' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee208547(v=office.12).aspx
Private Sub InitOutlook()
' Initialize a session in Outlook
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
'Return a reference to the MAPI layer
Set olNameSpace = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
'Let user logon to Outlook with the Outlook Profile dialog box
' if not already logged in and then create a new session
olNameSpace.Logon , , True, False
End Sub
Private Sub CleanUp()
' Clean up public object references.
Set olNameSpace = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing
End Sub
'SendMAPIEmailto replace the older one
Public Function SendMAPIEmail(strTo As String, _
strSubject As String, _
strMessageBody As String, _
Optional strAttachmentPaths As String, _
Optional strCC As String, _
Optional strBCC As String, _
Optional strReplyTo As String, _
Optional dtDTWhen As Date) As Boolean
Dim mailItem As Outlook.mailItem
Dim bSuccess As Boolean
' assume success but set error trap
bSuccess = True
On Error GoTo Abort
' if calling in a loop perhaps remove then clean, at end of loop
If Not olApp Is Nothing Then
Set mailItem = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
mailItem.To = strTo
mailItem.Subject = strSubject
' mailItem.Display
mailItem.HTMLBody = strMessageBody
'------------ add all the optional items
' attachments
If Not IsMissing(strAttachmentPaths) Then
If (strAttachmentPaths <> "") Then
Dim myAttachements As Outlook.Attachments
Set myAttachements = mailItem.Attachments
' may need a little more work here
myAttachements.Add strAttachmentPaths
End If
End If
' CC string
If Not IsMissing(strCC) Then
If strCC <> "" Then
mailItem.CC = strCC
End If
End If
' BCC string
If Not IsMissing(strBCC) Then
mailItem.BCC = strBCC
End If
' ReplyTo string
If Not IsMissing(strReplyTo) Then
mailItem.ReplyRecipients.Add strReplyTo
End If
' dtDTWhen string
If Not IsMissing(dtDTWhen) Then
mailItem.DeferredDeliveryTime = dtDTWhen
End If
' When debugging this is useful
' mailItem.Display
GoTo EndSend
End If
' if we get here then something wne wrong
bSuccess = False
' clean up and exit
SendMAPIEmail = bSuccess
End Function I prefer to use MAPI, since then I can see a log of what has been sent to whom. If you do that use SMTP, then you need to place the email results in a log of some sort.
The first thing to do before starting the code is go into access, access the VBA (press Ctl+G) then click on "Tools" The "References" and then make sure you scroll down to "Microsoft Outlook ..." the version there will be determined by what version you have installed. This the code that I ended up with after looking at the site above
Private olApp As Outlook.Application
Private olNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
' The basics of this from MSDN site
' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee208547(v=office.12).aspx
Private Sub InitOutlook()
' Initialize a session in Outlook
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
'Return a reference to the MAPI layer
Set olNameSpace = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
'Let user logon to Outlook with the Outlook Profile dialog box
' if not already logged in and then create a new session
olNameSpace.Logon , , True, False
End Sub
Private Sub CleanUp()
' Clean up public object references.
Set olNameSpace = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing
End Sub
'SendMAPIEmailto replace the older one
Public Function SendMAPIEmail(strTo As String, _
strSubject As String, _
strMessageBody As String, _
Optional strAttachmentPaths As String, _
Optional strCC As String, _
Optional strBCC As String, _
Optional strReplyTo As String, _
Optional dtDTWhen As Date) As Boolean
Dim mailItem As Outlook.mailItem
Dim bSuccess As Boolean
' assume success but set error trap
bSuccess = True
On Error GoTo Abort
' if calling in a loop perhaps remove then clean, at end of loop
If Not olApp Is Nothing Then
Set mailItem = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
mailItem.To = strTo
mailItem.Subject = strSubject
' mailItem.Display
mailItem.HTMLBody = strMessageBody
'------------ add all the optional items
' attachments
If Not IsMissing(strAttachmentPaths) Then
If (strAttachmentPaths <> "") Then
Dim myAttachements As Outlook.Attachments
Set myAttachements = mailItem.Attachments
' may need a little more work here
myAttachements.Add strAttachmentPaths
End If
End If
' CC string
If Not IsMissing(strCC) Then
If strCC <> "" Then
mailItem.CC = strCC
End If
End If
' BCC string
If Not IsMissing(strBCC) Then
mailItem.BCC = strBCC
End If
' ReplyTo string
If Not IsMissing(strReplyTo) Then
mailItem.ReplyRecipients.Add strReplyTo
End If
' dtDTWhen string
If Not IsMissing(dtDTWhen) Then
mailItem.DeferredDeliveryTime = dtDTWhen
End If
' When debugging this is useful
' mailItem.Display
GoTo EndSend
End If
' if we get here then something wne wrong
bSuccess = False
' clean up and exit
SendMAPIEmail = bSuccess
End Function I prefer to use MAPI, since then I can see a log of what has been sent to whom. If you do that use SMTP, then you need to place the email results in a log of some sort.