I found this online at http://www.prestoflour.com/Portals/TheArtOfBaking/portal.aspx?tabid=21#FAQ14
Assuming you are working with a well-balanced formula, when a cake falls, peaks and cracks, or has poor texture, the first thing to consider is the oven temperature. The next is the proportion of ingredients (how they are weighed or measured). Incorrect substitutions without adjustments are often the problem; jumbo eggs instead of large, all purpose flour instead of cake flour without making necessary adjustment, old baking powder.
Assuming you are following directions precisely and has accurately weighed or measured the ingredients, the most common cake problems and causes are:
Burnt on bottom with undercooked batter
- Inadequate air circulation in oven
Burns on sides
- Uneven heat in oven
- Oven too full
- Oven too hot
- Baked too near sides of oven
Coarse grain
- Too much leavening
- Insufficient creaming
- Use of liquid shortening
- Use of ordinary flour
- Oven temperature too low
- Batter under mixed
- Too much baking powder
Cracked or peaked cake
- Oven too hot
- Batter over mixed
Crust is cracked
- Too much sugar
- Damp flour
Crust is sticky
- Too much sugar
- Insufficient baking
- Damp flour
Crust is tough
- Not enough shortening
- Not enough sugar
- Too much flour
- Oven too hot
- Cake baked too long
Crust too hard
- Oven too hot
- Cake baked too long
Crust too light in color
- Oven not hot enough
- Not enough sugar
- Not enough leavening
- Not enough shortening
Crust is soggy or doughy
- Cake let steam while cooling
Does not rise, compact texture
- Old or too little baking powder
- Cold eggs
- Cold butter
- Too much flour
- Too much leavening
- Not enough shortening
- Not enough liquid
- Not enough sugar
- Over beaten egg whites
- Over baked or baked too long or at too low temperature
- Pan too big
- Too much shortening
- Too much baking powder or soda over leavens mixture
- Too much sugar
- Batter under mixed
- Insufficient baking
- Oven temperature too low
- Too much shortening
- Too much leavening
- Too much sugar
Heavy and compact
- Over beating batter
- Too much shortening
- Not enough sugar
- Too much liquid
- Under beaten yolks
- Incorrect baking temperature
Humps or cracks on top
- Oven too hot at first
- Too much flour
- Not enough liquid
Rises higher on one side than the other
- Uneven heat in oven
- Oven grate not level
- Batter spread unevenly in pan
Runs over top of pan
- Too much batter in pan
- Oven not hot enough
- Too much leavening
- Too much shortening or sugar
Soggy layer or streak at bottom
- Under mixing of ingredients
- Shortening too soft
- Not enough leavening
- Lower part of oven not hot enough
- Under beaten yolks
- Too much liquid
- Damp flour
Sticks to pan
- Pan not properly prepared
- Cake left in pan too long
- Too much sugar
Too light, crumbly and dry
- Too much leavening
- Not enough shortening
- Not enough sugar
- Over beating batter
- Oven too hot
- Not enough baking powder or soda to leaven the mixture.
- Mixture baked in too large a pan
- Oven too hot
Things I learn today, cause of lesson, cooking cup cakes for my daughters birthday ring. Next time I will have a decent cup of coffee and then start. I think I may have over measured something...