I struggled to find information on how to do this, so eventually decided to figure it out myself and this is how I did it:
- In Visual Studio I created a new project
- I added Connected to Access database using the Database Explorer, this created a link in the App_Data folder
- Then on the default page I allowed the user to place the file name,
- I then added a new DataSet, created a new TableAdapter, put the query I needed in there and
- Then in my code I exported to XML
So the in Default.aspx It looks like this:
File to Export to:
<asp:TextBox ID="tbxCustomersToXML" runat="server" Width="375px" ToolTip="XML File Target"
Text="C:\Users\username\Documents\junk\Customers.XML" />
<asp:Button ID="btnCustomersToXML" runat="server" Text="Customers TBL to XML" onclick="btnCustomersToXML_Click" />
<br />
<asp:Label ID ="lblStatus" runat="server" />
<br />
And the in Default.aspx.cs looks like this:
protected void btnCustomersToXML_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
if (tbxCustomersToXML.Text != "")
CustomersTblTableAdapter dtaCompanys = new CustomersTblTableAdapter();
// retrieve the data using GetData since this is where the correct Query is
TrackerCompaniesDataSet.CustomersTblDataTable dtCompanys = dtaCompanys.GetData();
System.IO.StreamWriter swXMLTarget = File.CreateText(tbxCustomersToXML.Text);
dtCompanys.WriteXml(swXMLTarget, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);
lblStatus.Text = "Extract status: Done!";
catch (Exception ex)
lblStatus.Text = "Extract status: The file could not be exported. The following error occurred: " + ex.Message;
Hope that this helps someone, I may need to refer to it myself.