Having only a mere 3 weeks ago acquired an iPhone I must say I am suitably impressed, this this is a mobile device that can phone a bit. The reception is not quite as good as my old N82 Nokia, but blow me away Henry the stuff you can do if fan-tam-tastic.
But that is not what this post is about, and maybe I will in fact do a post on the iPhone. This post is about how quick you can book only with Ster Kinekor. Firstly I must state I am not a fan of the Ster Kinekor site, you have to put a full URL in sterkinekor.co.za does not work, they are more interested in selling tickets to people outside South Africa.
So here was the test. from scratch, book a ticket on the Ster Kinekor site one person on a Laptop another on iPhone. Skill level identical (they where both me).
Both machines share the same internet connection, since it is wireless, so speed is the same,
So who one? Well believe it on not the iPhone by a mile. By the time I had booked and PAID on the iPhone I was still waiting to select the Movie I wanted to see on the Laptop.
Now that shows you how bad the SterKinekor normal site is. Next time use their mobile site it is faster. SIS!