Excel Sum of from a cell to the RowAbove, or the next row above
I got the idea and concept here: Three Ways to Reduce Errors In Your Excel SUM Formulas
I got the idea and concept here: Three Ways to Reduce Errors In Your Excel SUM Formulas
Essentially; what I wanted to do was prevent the Insert Row just above the total line to always include the row above. So after playing a bit I found the site above.
So here is the process:
- In the workbook you want to have the sum click on any cell
- Depending on the version of Excel find where you name a range, for 2007 Formulas, Define Name
- A new name dialog box is displayed
- Make Name "RowAbove"
- Scope: Workbook
- Add a comment the next row up
- Delete the sheet name and enter in the row aboves address, in my case I clicked on =MySheet!$B$4, so I replace that with "=!B3"
- Then anywhere I want to add a sum or subtotal I just use sum(A3:RowAbove), then that will sum from A3 to the row above
Now even if a insert row above on the formula it will add it the value to the sum.