It is always touted that the wheel was a major step forward in western civilization. Where the land is flat and rivers non traversable this may have been the case, but for me the written word is the most important concept that modern man has created. I believe that through the written word, rather than the word of mouth that has helped promote legend and possibly the big "R". Through the written word our knowledge has built up each generation, word upon word. It spawned the Renaissance, which spawned the industrial age, and the electronic age. Now the electronic age has spawned the internet and the internet has spawn limitless publishing of any quality (including the KAK here) and our knowledge spread per person is increasing and widening each second, of each minute of each day. Just take a look at the gigabytes of information that is stored on Gmail, or Blogger or Wordpress to name a few. We have either reached a point where knowledge is so accessible that it is becomi...
Just some opinions and things I have committed to virtual prosperity just in case UGAF