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Showing posts from August, 2011

How to post Twitter update on my website?

We are using Twitter to send out news, and would like to post that one a page on our website, so off I went reading about what and where to do.  On the Twitter dev page I found, the below: Web Applications Being browser based, a web application or service is able to use the full web-based  OAuth process  which means the user has the smoothest of the authentication methods. To authenticate your web application with Twitter you must use OAuth. Requests to use xAuth will be declined. Web applications often support multiple users so it is important you manage the association of OAuth tokens to user identities carefully. The way you do this will be dependent on your application and setup. Search API The search API does not require authentication. Streaming API The streaming API supports both basic and OAuth authentication. For the time being there is no date on which basic authentication will be turned off for the streaming API so you are free to choose ...

Some items to consider about R-R-R

There are three R's in lots of things, the three R's I am talking about here are Reuse, Recycle and Reduce. Reduce impact using eco friendly paints: Here is a list of eco friendly paints: How much energy is saved per item Here is one that compares the environmental impacts of plastic vs Paper: PaperVsPlastic All though I do not agree with everything in this article, it is worth reading: Myths debunked Wanna recycling in Cape Town Recycling in cape town

Great movie sites...

Looking for what to go see at the movies yesterday I stumbled across two sites that are well worth a look. The first is: , they have a review of the current movies and have a click through to the new and now much better Ster Kinekor website, where you can now actually book with out being as frustrated as a serial shopper is in the middle of bush. For this site I found a link to Film and Publication Board of South Africa . The link I have here, lists all the movies they have rated. I could not find a search engine, which would have been cool. I now use that site to check out the ratings for movies on TV, I real help. Enjoy the movies, even if you have to pay R55.00 for two waters and a pop corn there.